Foods That Are Good For Your Stomach

The digestive system is so fascinating and intriguing at the same time. Think about how... The post Foods That Are Good For Your Stomach first appeared on The post Foods That Are Good For Your Stomach appeared first on

May 4, 2024 - 16:00
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Foods That Are Good For Your Stomach

The digestive system is so fascinating and intriguing at the same time. Think about how food is converted into energy and how the same is applied to normal body functioning. In addition to this, it’s the digestive system that works towards providing the nutrients required for cellular repair and growth. This is why it’s important to ensure that your gut health is at par. There are so many people suffering from digestive problems as a result of eating the wrong foods as well as some poor lifestyle habits. Problems such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, stomach upsets, and nausea have become so common as a result of poor eating habits. These are also problems that may indicate that your digestive system is off-balance. Now, in matters relating to foods, apart from eating a balanced diet, you also want to increase the intake of foods that support digestion. Before we get to the foods that are good for your stomach, here are some foods that you want to avoid.

Bad Foods For Your Gut

1. Milk

Lactose has been found to be a potential cause for stomach upsets. Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk. For those with lactose intolerance, it simply means that their digestive system is unable to digest lactose. The most common symptoms associated with lactose intolerance include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and bloating. You may need to cut back on your intake of dairy products or alternatively opt for lactose-free milk and cultured dairy products such as yogurt and aged cheeses. According to Dr. Todd Watts from Microbe Formulas, foods that can make a parasite infection flourish include grains, sugars, alcohol, and processed foods. Dairy can also be a dangerous food group for some people.

2. Processed Foods

Processed foods aren’t as healthy as they might purport them to be. In addition to this, processed foods have been blamed for the high rate of obesity and high blood pressure. While some may have a place in your balanced diet, consuming less processed foods may also go a long way in improving your gut health. Processed foods are also heavy on artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and sodium. Artificial sweeteners are bad for you especially if you have glucose intolerance. This will cause an imbalance in your gut bacteria.

3. Too Much Booze

Like we had earlier mentioned, some lifestyle behaviors, may not help to support your gut health. Research suggests that alcohol may affect the active bacteria found in the stomach. At the same time, chronic alcoholism may cause alcohol-induced injuries to the stomach lining.

By avoiding the above foods, you’ll be on your way to improving your gut health. Let’s now take a look at the top foods that are good for your stomach.

Some Good Foods For Your Stomach

1. Yogurt

Made from fermented milk, yogurt is low on lactose, making it ideal for those with lactose intolerance. Now, there are many health benefits of yogurt, including include protection from osteoporosis. But in this case, yogurt contains vital probiotics. These are the healthy bacteria that are beneficial to your gut. Probiotics help to regulate the digestive system and thus eliminating gas, constipation and bloating.

2. Grains Light In Carbs

Most grains are rich in carbs and may be bad for your stomach. Nevertheless, grains are also great sources of fiber and vitamins. Carb light grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and oats are the best for your tummy.

3. Seeds And Nuts

Seeds and nuts are great sources for fiber, proteins, and anti-inflammatory fats. On the contrary, some nuts contain phytic acid. To be on the safe side, you may want to soak them in warm salted water before preparing them. This will help to reduce the phytic acid making them safer for you. Phytic acid will block the absorption of minerals and on top of this, phytic acid is not digestible. Here is a list of the best seeds and nuts you want to stick to..  Sunflower seeds, pine nuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, macadamia nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, pecans, and pumpkin seeds.

4. Leafy Greens

Kales and spinach are examples of excellent sources of fiber as well as other vital; nutrients. In addition to this, leafy greens also contain some type of sugar that acts as a catalyst in fueling the growth of gut bacteria.

5. Lean Proteins

Lean proteins are ideal for those with bowel sensitivity or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Common symptoms of IBS include distention, cramps, sharp pains in the tummy, and bloating. In addition to this, patients may also report of mucus in stool. To avoid this, it’s best if you stick with lean proteins as opposed to fatty fries. Foods rich in fats may trigger the colon to contract. So, at all costs, avoid red meat.

6. Avocado

Avocado is an example of superfood rich in fiber and other vital nutrients such as potassium. To add on this, avocados are low on fructose meaning that they are less likely to cause you gas or bloating. However, you want to them in moderation as they contain a lot of fats.

7. Papaya

Papaya is a tropical fruit that contains a rare digestive enzyme known as papain. This enzyme helps in the digestion of proteins. While on the same note, those suffering from IBS may want to try eating papaya. This is because the enzyme papain may also help to ease and reduce the symptoms associated with IBS.

8. Ginger

Ginger has been known to help in reducing heartburn as well as in preventing nausea. As a famous herb in eastern medicine, ginger is also well known to help in improving digestion.

9. Salmon

Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, salmon helps to fight inflammation. Salmon is especially good for those suffering from irritable bowels and other digestive disorders such as food intolerance.

10. Fluids

It’s very important at this to mention the importance of hydrating yourself as a means of improving your digestion. The best choice at this is water. However, you may also include other nutritious beverages in your habits. What you don’t want are caffeinated beverages and soft drinks such as sodas. Fluids, apart from the need to stay hydrated, will help to push the solid staff through the digestive system.

Most digestive problems are as a result of poor eating habits as well as unhealthy lifestyle choices. Our digestive system is a reflection of what we eat. It’s therefore important to eat that which benefits your body. Remember, you are what you eat.

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