For the bold and brainy: Best dating sites for geeks, nerds, and sci-fi buffs

Level up your love life with the best dating sites for geeks, nerds, and sci-fi fans. Find your match and embrace your inner geek.

Jun 20, 2024 - 12:30
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For the bold and brainy: Best dating sites for geeks, nerds, and sci-fi buffs
illustration of two people with phones in their hands looking at each other lovingly

We geeks are a passionate bunch. We'll happily spend hours dissecting the latest superhero movie or Star Wars series, but ask us to decode dating signals, and we're lost. Our love language might be quoting obscure anime, and our idea of a perfect date might involve tabletop games, but finding someone who gets that? That's a challenge.

For nerdy women, dating means sifting through profiles of guys who think "gamer girl" is a personality (or creeps chasing their Manic Pixie Dream Elf-girl fantasy). For men, it's the struggle to express your love for all things nerdy without scaring off potential partners or, worse, being labeled "that guy."

Is there a dating site for geeks?

Yes, but you don't need a niche dating site exclusively for geeks to find your soulmate.

We compared the internet's top dating sites, trendy swiping apps, and geek-specific platforms to pinpoint the ones where you can proudly fly your nerd flag. With the best dating sites for geeks, you might just find that special someone who shares your obscure passions. We're talking about someone who'll happily debate the merits of Pokémon Emerald vs. Scarlet/Violet or create the perfect couples cosplay for the next Comic-Con. The best part? These platforms are all easily accessible via the App Store and Google Play Store.

Just remember this: Even if a potential match doesn't share your specific hobby or interest, they could still be the right partner for you. Don't fall for this common geek relationship fallacy. The most important thing is that they respect your nerdy obsessions, and you respect theirs.

You might notice we no longer recommend geek-specific sites like Soul Geek, Gamer Dating, and Dating for Muggles). Sadly, these platforms haven't kept up with the times and are feeling a bit... well, dated. You can get the full scoop in our 'How we tested' section below.

Here are our top picks for the best dating sites where geeks, nerds, and anyone with a passion for their niche hobbies can find love:

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