He hid from Nazis in the woods for 2 years as a boy. Now his story is on the big screen

Now 94 years old, Maxwell Smart recounts his ordeal of escaping the Holocaust on his own as a Jewish 11-year-old, and he's praising the filmmaker who managed to portray the experience in The Boy in the Woods.

Jun 20, 2024 - 21:45
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He hid from Nazis in the woods for 2 years as a boy. Now his story is on the big screen
94-year-old Holocaust survivor Maxwell Smart in the foreground, with a still image from the film in background, showing a boy in a forest

Now 94 years old, Maxwell Smart recounts his ordeal of escaping the Holocaust on his own as a Jewish 11-year-old, and he's praising the filmmaker who managed to portray the experience in The Boy in the Woods.

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